Tuesday, October 6, 2009

You gotta begin somewhere

And I have begun. I went to the fabric store to buy marine vinyl to make a new cover for one of the boat seats. After finishing the boat cover my confidence is high. Anyway, I had already bought 1 yard of vinyl before and when I got there, they had moved the rolls around and I couldn't remember the color. Oyster or dune....oyster or dune. I picked Oyster. Guess what...I shoulda picked dune. Not only do I have 2 yards of the wrong color, but I have to trek back across Raleigh to buy the RIGHT color. By the way, I have the old boat seat cover sitting in the dining room practically next to my purse. I could have picked it up and taken it with me so I could have gotten the right color. I even asked myself, "Should I take the old cover to match." No, I answered, I did fine before when I bought the first yard. Crap! Oh well, the UV thread hasn't arrived yet from e-bay and I think my sewing machine needles are still up at the lake so it looks like I won't be starting this project any time soon. Maybe I should consider two two seats, Dune and Oyster (:

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