Tuesday, May 31, 2011

First Step First or Day Late and Dollar Short

PSAT's are administered in October of a kid's sophomore year. Before school let out Kay's freshman year, I asked what needed to be done to get accommodations for the PSAT. The school test coordinator (an important person to know) needs to request accommodations from the College Board. College Board is the entity that administers both the PSAT and SAT's across the country. Can anyone say M-O-N-O-P-O-L-Y? The accommodations are different than you see on the IEP. Anyway, I followed up after school started in August and found out that someone had dropped the ball. We got the form to College Board and I thought for sure they would have time to process it before PSAT day in October. Nope! The letter of accommodation arrived in December and Kay twiddled her thumbs on the day the PSAT was administered in October. The good news is that the letter is valid for all her SAT testings. I was hoping the PSAT would be "practice" to try out the accommodations because they aren't what she is used to. So, the lesson here is, got a Freshman??? Start your paperwork early.

Kay will be taking the SAT next year. I understand that she will be able to take it at her school, with her aide and a proctor. I better start now!

1 comment:

  1. Kay can follow the latest SAT information on College Board's official blog.
